When you’re out finding sex online, you will quickly discover that you are your own worst enemy. Most people do not want to hear this. Most people would rather pin the blame on some sort of past traumatic experience or a big Boogey man or some person out there that is out to keep them down. The problem is that the reality of your oppression or lack of success lies squarely with you. It’s not those people forcing you to stumble.
Those people aren’t forcing you to mix up your words and make an ass out of yourself. You have to get over your fears and get your house in order for you to get laid me frequently. The problem is the more you blame your lack of success on the past or situations and people you can’t control, the less control you have. Unfortunately, this is precisely the situation you don’t want to be in which brings me to the third point.
It’s all about personal power
Success in life, whether it’s landing the best job in the world, getting promoted, making a lot of money, being highly respected by your peers all boils down to mastery. That’s right, everybody is born and we were all babies but then we grew up. We mastered our world. Unfortunately, some of us did a better job than the others. Most of us are actually failures of mastering the world.
The reason is not because we are dumber. It’s not because were physically disabled or there’s some sort of disadvantage holding us back. The main reason is that we’ve become mentally incapacitated. The worst part to all of this is we allowed ourselves to become mentally incapacitated with our full permission. We become fearful. We focus more on what we already have instead of looking ahead and taking risks to attain what we deserve.
That’s what it all boils down to. If you are looking for a big project in your life, it’s all about overcoming fear. Finding sex online is just a variation of that great life project. In fact, if you want to be more successful in finding sex online, focus on your inner fear. The more success you attain in overcoming these internal limitations, the more successful you will be in all areas of your life. This applies across the board. We’re talking about getting better jobs, getting paid more, getting promoted more often, getting more relationships, looking better, hit the gym more regularly—you name it.
It’s all about overcoming fear because fear takes many different forms. It takes the form of laziness, pride, self-righteousness, self-justification, and all sorts of bullshit. Look fear straight in the eye, call it what it is, do whatever it takes for however long it takes to achieve the victory you are capable of achieving. You could try this.